martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

day five

day four

day three.

Today we have do an arm wich moves alll around it. It is amazing because we can controled with our mobiles phones, also we can progamated with the computer and we only need to push a orange botton. In our own we are doing a logo wich represented us, we are doing it in the computers room.

day two.

On the second day , we put more options of movement in our robot, also we know more abilitys of how programte it. In class we habe been doing some type of competitions to see wich robot is better. But the important one will be the thursday  that will be the "sumo competition" there we will see wich group have put more effort doing  their robot and wich have more habilities and is better.

Day one.

The first day, our teacher introduced us in the robots world. We have two instructors, Jon and Ander, they help us to make our robot and make some competitions with them. Our robots is called "Nonihdestroyer".We progamated it,the first time that we start program the robot, he only knows how to go at rigth, left, straigth on and turn.

The robot had two motors, one at rigth hand and the other one at the left. They give power to make the movement in the wheels.It has a battery too, wich is the control of the robot.